About Our Company:

“We produce the best brewing coffee to the coffee lovers” – Mid Valley Products
Mid Valley was founded by Pradeep N in the year 2012 and has now come a long way to get where it is today. The primary goal of the Mid Valley Pvt. Ltd is to serve its customers with its varied products, simultaneously focusing on the level of service that is the best.
The passion of the founder drove him so far, that he started his own business. Today Mid Valley products and services have reached out to almost all Indians, across the economic and social spectrum. We are also keen on building a platform and providing opportunities and revenue for our country India and all its citizens.

Core Value:

We believe in shaping ideas and never compromise with the quality for which our team works hard so that we can deliver the best to our customers at right time.
We also work with stronger ethics and are risk-takers to deliver valuable service to our customers.


-A Socio-economic Responsibility towards the Nation
-Employment opportunities in the upcoming future
-Shaping the ideas of the Young Entrepreneurs
-Delivering the best to the Customers


“When you protect your Vision; the Vision will protect you”.


“Trust is like the air we breathe – when it’s present, nobody notices; but when it is absent, everybody notices.”- Warren Buffett
Integrity is nothing but the quality of being honest and having a good moral principle.


-Small contribution towards the developing economy
-Generating more and more employment opportunities
-Growth is in the hands of young entrepreneurs, so we keep them safe and hold them to the long
-Our motto is not only to deliver the products and render services but also to realize the mood for sharing